{{isconn ? 'Device is connected!' : 'Waiting for Connection'}}
{{isconn ? '设备已连接!' : '等待连接中'}}



Due to Tesla disabling video decoding on certain models, it may result in an inability to display properly.,
If you are experiencing this issue, Please upgrade to solve
In the latest firmware, we have divided the encoding method into pictures and videos.
pictures encoding is used by default, if you can use video encoding, please use it first, it will be smoother
# During product usage, all content is transmitted only within the local Wi-Fi environment. The use of an easy-to-remember domain name is solely for convenience.

HTTPS地址: https://tespush.cn

{{btn0}} {{btn1}} {{btn2}}

1. Forget iPhone Bluetooth pairing

2. Turn on iPhone "Personal Hotspot"

3. iPhone connects with the device via Bluetooth and uses wireless CarPlay

4. Tesla connects to device WIFI

*  4G LED # Green Blue flashing in Turn

1. 忽略与设备的蓝牙配对

2. 打开手机的“个人热点”

3. 手机通过蓝牙配对设备并启用CarPlay

4. Tesla汽车连接设备WIFI

1. iPhone connection device WIFI (Default password is 88888888.)

2. Safari browser enters

3. Bluetooth Modem” Turn OFF

4. Reboot devices

*  4G LED #Green

1. TesPush进入设置-蓝牙-关闭蓝牙网络

2. 等待重启完成

1. Turn on the device

2. iPhone Bluetooth searches for “AutoKit-xxxx” and connects, use CarPlay

3. Use the iPhone browser to access

4. Scroll down to the footer, if there is an update, it will appear here, and click "Update"

*  During the upgrade, do not cut off the power, the Box will restart itself after the upgrade is successful

1. 打开设备

2. iPhone蓝牙搜索“AutoKit-xxxx”并连接,使用CarPlay

3. 使用iPhone浏览器访问192.168.3.1

4. 向下滚动到页脚,如果有更新,会出现在这里,点击“更新”

*  升级过程中,不要断电,升级成功后盒子将会自动重启

清除缓存 Clear Cache
以HTTP访问 Accessing HTTP
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